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Ci sono 150 messaggi

birdpictures, thailand, indonesia and maleisia
Autore: agnes bax
Data: 24/4/2005 ore 11:38

Dear Margherita, I just past by at your site. Go on like this. I wish you all the best in live. Bye bye. Greetings from Agnes in The Netherlands


Autore: Tom
Data: 22/4/2005 ore 2:50

Hello, my compliments for your nice work! Please come see my website and photos sometime? Best regards,Tom from Holland.


Autore: Michael-Thomas Sachs
Data: 15/4/2005 ore 13:42

Hallo Margherita! very nice work Hat mir gut hier gefallen. VG Michael

Eine wunderschöne Seite..
Autore: Werner
Data: 13/4/2005 ore 15:24

Hallo Margherita! Eine wunderschöne Seite.. Bilder die beindrucken.. Ich bin begeistert.. Viele Grüße sendet Werner.. Hello Margherita! A beautiful side. Pictures leg-print. I am inspired. Werner sends many greetings.

Autore: suzlee
Data: 12/4/2005 ore 10:11

nice artworks, congrats! I would like ti invite you to join my project. MAIL ART PROJECT Artists from around the world are invited to send mail art on any theme. Pieces should be no larger than 25 cm x 35 cm (Artworks on the back of the envelope also accepted). All work received will be exhibited in Galeri Seni, Faculty of Art & Design, MARA University of Technology, Shah Alam, MALAYSIA. Documentation to all. Please mail your submissions to: Suzlee Ibrahim (Mail Art Project) Fine Art Department Faculty of Art & Design MARA University of Technology Shah Alam 40450 MALAYSIA www.artproject2006.cjb.net email:webmaster@artproject2006.cjb.net

Autore: Ronald
Data: 11/4/2005 ore 19:17

Cara Margherita, mi tanto piacciono le tue opere. Vivissimi complimenti per la tua arte! Ritornerò spesso su questo sito. Sarebbe un piacere scambiare link con il tuo sito (lo ho già fatto sul mio sito). Tanti saluti e baci da Lipsia (Germania)

Autore: Marion Lucka
Data: 10/4/2005 ore 12:05

dear margherita, very nice artworks! all the best from marion

Thank you
Autore: Mikoto
Data: 9/4/2005 ore 16:03

Thank you for visiting my site. I will also exchange links with you. I like "Nereidi" and "sabbah". I think that your picture is very elegant. It is beautiful. Thank you.


Autore: alexander
Data: 9/4/2005 ore 13:27

i like your work softness dreams go for it alex


Autore: alexander
Data: 22/3/2005 ore 11:58

nice work alexander


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